employee benefit Services
Unlike most other accounting firms who provide employee benefit plan services on a part-time basis, Frost has recognized the importance of this practice area and has invested in a group of full-time, dedicated professionals.
We provide services to approximately 70 plans including:
- Health and welfare
- Defined contribution
- Defined benefit
- Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP)
- Employee Qualified Employee Savings
Plans (QESP) - Plans with Securities and Exchange Commission filing requirements
Frost is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center, which requires its members to obtain specialized training and to establish programs and policies relating to employee benefit plan audits. Additionally, member audits are periodically reviewed by other specialists within the center translating to both value and savings to our clients.
Qualified Retirement Plans provide tremendous tax advantages for business owners and employees. A well designed retirement plan can help you attract and retain the best employees at a cost that’s affordable. At the same time, they are complex and must comply with ever-changing laws and regulations to maintain its qualified tax status. Therefore, it is essential to have the assistance of an experienced, trustworthy, independent Third Party Administrator to assist in the administration.
Frost has a reputation for having the highest level of integrity and superior service. We are committed to providing the most comprehensive array of cost-effective retirement plan design, installation, compliance and administration services. With more than 45 years combined experience, our team of Pension Specialists provides the expertise you need.
We offer a free initial consultation and invite you to contact us with any questions you might have.
Phillip French, CPA
Direct Line: 501.975.0261
E-mail: pfrench@frostpllc.com

Hours & contact
Home office
425 W. Capitol Ave.
Suite 3300
Little Rock, AR 72201